Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Under the Mistletoe at Cracker Barrel

We had some very special things to give the Scotts this Christmas, so after the big snow was over, we all met at Cracker Barrel. Leia had created something very special for Logan this Christmas: a dentist bag! You see, Logan has a really hard time at the dentist. Leia wanted to do something to help with the fear, . . . so she thought maybe he would like the same kind of homemade kit I made for Leia and Annie. Leia came with me and we bought all of the items for it, . . . and even labeled the bag: "Logan's Dentist Bag. Love, Leia"

BUT, what Leia was most excited about was bringing this little mistletoe. She would prance around at home proclaiming, "I'm going to use this on Logan!" You see, the original plan was foiled by the snow, . . . we were supposed to have our first annual sing-a-long with friends. Leia and Logan were both depressed this didn't happen. Even Logan was going around school saying, "I am going to Leia's house, and I am going to kiss her under the mistletoe!" No problem, according to Leia, she just brought the mistletoe to Cracker Barrel! : )


Nina said...

Don't leave us guessing! What is in the Dentist's Bag???

Codruta said...

How sweet is this! And I so love you and Christine!