Sunday, March 14, 2010

First Grade Lunch Mom

It seems that every single Thursday we are destined to be inside for recess (*sigh*). I liken this scenario to the room of ping pong balls on mousetraps, . . . one extra ball thrown into that room and BANG, they all go off. It is a miracle there isn't a serious injury every single time we go in there. Lunch in the classroom is going well with the addition of a new game: King Chase Queen. Gosh, I remember playing this inside for gym when I was in second grade. It's a pretty simple concept, the teacher chooses one boy and one girl who put erasers on their heads and chase each other around the room. The teacher switches between "King Chase Queen" and "Queen Chase Queen" to control the action. The kids love it. This isn't the best picture, but here Leia Rose is playing the "Queen." : )

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