Friday, March 19, 2010

Knoxville Zoo

In honor of little Aubrie Retzbach's birthday, her family invited all of us for a weekend in the Smokey Mountains! Our first stop was the Knoxville Zoo. We saw a really close up view of a Black Bear (and his cave) as well as an elephant giving himself a REAL mudbath. Of course there were zebras as well, but the photo of the day was taken when Annie began snuggling with a prairie dog through the glass! : ) And, of course, we had to get one of those pressed pennies. I still maintain that those are the BEST and CHEAPEST souvenirs one can buy from everywhere from zoos to disney. : ) Aubrie was intrigued, so we gathered together at the exit of the zoo and sang "Happy Birthday" as she turned the crank to spit out her penny, . . . her first birthday gift from us. : )

1 comment:

Nina said...

That is one handsome zebra!!! :)

Cute of Annie and the prairie dog. He obviously liked her too!