Monday, March 8, 2010

Mamma's Proud Shopping Post

Mamma is the very first person to admit her faults, . . . and here is one of the many: I am not a good parent when going on a large shopping trip with children. Period. Seeing that, because I dislike shopping altogether, I only GO shopping when I need lots of stuff, . . . that means that I am ALWAYS going on a large shopping trip. My poor children. They are often being dragged around the store with me trying to concentrate.


Today I made a real effort to do the activity that I have read about so many times in parenting magazines, and I was SO proud of myself for doing this. (At least I can say I did it ONCE, eh?) I let Annie be in charge of the coupons, . . . and I only went to the store today to buy things I had coupons for. Annie's job was to take each coupon and match the picture to the item on the shelf. What made me even happier was that Annie was much more content matching the LETTERS of the coupon to the item on the shelf! Yay!

This was the first time in my life that shopping was a joy, . . . all because of my sweet little Annie and her coupons. : ) We may have to make this a tradition . . .

1 comment:

Nina said...

I am surprised you weren't aggravated by being slowed down to do "teaching"! ha!