Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fun at Wyndam Hotel in Pigeon Forge

The amazing thing was that, even in mid-March, it was warm enough to go swimming OUTSIDE with the Great Smokies as a backdrop! It was an absolute DREAM! : ) . . . That is until poor Alexis fell by the pool and, through no fault of her own, got a huge gash in her chin big enough to get stitches at the emergency room. : ( Poor little Alexis! Meanwhile, we took care of Aubrey and the girls wrapped up in little towel cocoons to keep warm in the sunshine. In the picture below you can see Aubrie, Alexis, David, Maureen, Aurelia, Leia, Daddy, and Annie. Another fun thing they do at this particular hotel is create a scavenger hunt for the kids. This ran us all around the activity center looking for things and writing down answers. At the end of the hunt, the girls got a prize bag including little jumping frogs. As you can see, Annie created her own "froggy face." : ) Back in the room, the girls watched The Princess and the Frog together before, you guessed it, a sleepover!!! : )