Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Strawberry Snow Cake

Today the girls were committed to having us be a Snow Kitty / Snow Love Bug / Snow Bunny who would make a Strawberry Snow Cake! We all had to wear sunglasses due to the brightness of the snow today with the bright sun melting it quickly away. (Snow, I hear, reflects 80% of the suns rays!) Anywho, here we are with our half-chocolate, half-strawberry, heart-shaped snow cake! Lots of sprinkles, lots of syrup, . . . and if you look closely on the left side, a bunny and a kitty drawn in strawberry as well. But the most fun: EATING IT! I totally underestimated how long the girls would eat on this thing. We were out there for a WHOLE HOUR with the girls leaning over the syrup-filled slushy heart, shoveling it in their mouths. : ) And snow does a great job cleaning up afterwards, too. : ) No yucky mittens for us! ; )