Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Storybook Character Day at Immaculata

Today, in celelbration of Catholic Schools Week, Immaculata held its annual Storybook Character Day. Leia had been debating (even during breakfast this morning) whether to be Princess Leia or Princess Cinderella. Her final thoughts on the subject: "Well, I just NEVER get to wear my princess dresses, so I think I'm going to be Cinderella this time." : ) Annie, you guessed it, chose to be Snow White, . . . and I was the ugly duckling. Ha! (Leia Rose is sporting her "Modest Princess" face.) : )
Leia loved sitting by her friend Alexis at assembly this morning. Alexis chose to be Peter Pan. : )

Snow White meets Snow White! Ha!
"Mamma, take picture of kitty cat." (And Alexis' little sister in the background.)

1 comment:

Codruta said...

What a great day that was!I can't wait to see what Leia is going to do this year!