Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Can't Tip It Up, Like a Drink"

I just had to put some of these precious pictures on the blog (mostly for Annie's and my own benefit). Annie is just the sweetest little love while breastfeeding these days (when she's not squirming around because she's too old now, that is). : ) Often she lets go, looks at me with a serious face, and says, "Mamma, can't tip it up like a drink." She means that with a sippy cup, you can get more out if you tip the cup way out. But, unfortunately, you can't get any more out of Mamma's nipples no matter what you do, after the milk is gone (which these days, I'm assuming there's only a very little). A few months ago, she used to say, "Can't tip it up like a sippy cup, get more out."

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Noelle, this is just precious!