Sunday, February 1, 2009

Princesses: OUT & Nemo Fishies: IN

Annie goes nowhere these days without her beloved "fishies" from Finding Nemo. *sigh* Already gone are the days when Annie would clutch Cinderella and Snow White all day. : ( The girls and I watched Finding Nemo together the other day (in my endless pursuit to watch every Disney movie that they might encounter this summer at Disney World). This is a movie that both Leia Rose and Annie "agreed" upon at exactly the same age. We promptly got out Leia's Finding Nemo "figures," and Leia was SUCH a good sister in giving Annie her second smaller set. Although, I'm afraid this might be one of those things I need to invest in two of. Annie is continually choosing Leia's butterfly fish named "Tad" to carry around.
Annie gets a real kick out of Bruce, the shark. She has produced really long sentences and conversations now about Bruce, . . . her longest ones yet. Today at lunch it was, "Bruce is funny. He likes to chase fishies. Trying not to eat the fishies, like Nemo and Dory. Bruce doesn't eat Nemo and Dory. He laughs."
And Leia Rose has vowed that every time she watches Finding Nemo, she's going to draw another picture depicting the story. Here is Marlin and Nemo in the coral reef, with their sea anenome home on the left. Leia is AMAZING with these pictures!!!

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