Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day 2009

In keeping with our "less is more" goal this year, here were our valentines to the girls this morning. When I asked Leia Rose if she saw them, she said, "Yes, and it was a sad amount!" I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to scold her for showing disrespect. Ha! The girls both got the biggest kick out of the actual valentines with the "kitty lips." And even Annie would comment when I put her to bed this evening (after I asked her what the favorite part of the day was), lowering her voice and saying, "The kitty cat lips!" Ha! They liked these cards so much that instead of throwing them away, we just let them eat the chocolate and then re-insterted the foil. Good as new!
I also made the girls a special valentine breakfast with pink pieces of balogna in the eggs, chocolate to dip their bananas in, and a heart piece of food-colored "Papa Toast," which is the special kind of toast with butter/sugar/syrup/cinnamon that Papa taught me to make. : )
Here are a few of the Valentines that Leia Rose made for us. : ) I just love this one because it has Leia’s first poem on it: “Candy is sweet, hearts are love, and we like them all!” (She said that the “like them all part” she couldn’t fit, so she just told it to us. Ha!) That one was for Annie and I.

Then Leia figured out how to make an origami heart all by herself, decorated it, and even included one of only two valentine lollipops she got! What a sweetheart!
And this one is ingenious, if I may say so myself. Look at how she made this heart open to reveal a message! : )

Now we have to discuss Leia's school valentines, too. Here are the two for the teachers. I just love how she spells things these days! : )

For her class, Leia Rose chose some 3-D type dinosaur cards (which were really nice plastic, actually). Leia wrote every single name of the whole class. It took her days to complete this project! And for each person that she liked, Leia drew a picture over the dinosaur fact. I got a kick out of seeing who she drew pictures for and who she left blank. ; ) A couple ones of note: Alexis not only has a heart but also the word "love." Leia LOVES Alexis, and for her to write an EXTRA word was a BIG deal. ; )
Kimber got three hearts (Leia really likes Kimber). Both Gabriel and Rhett got "light saber crosses" (which look a bit more like X's than she wanted). That's because those three have bonded over Star Wars lunchables. Quinten got four hearts, "Because I love him." Ha! But look at poor Kennedy's card. Nothing on that one. Kennedy is a girl in Leia's class who Leia Rose says is always being a bit of a bad girl. Leia's always coming home with stories about Kennedy being outspoken and disrespectful. And look at poor Cameron's card. Nothing on that one. Leia Rose really doesn't like Cameron at all because he's always bothering her. In fact, when I asked her more about this, she compared Cameron to Cael. "Mamma, Cael is one of those rare boys that knows how to get a girls attention without being annoying." Ha!

The unfortunate thing is that Leia Rose didn't get to go to school on February 13th (the day their class celebrated Valentines day) because I went up to get Leia ready for school that day only to discover that she had thrown up in her sleep! And she would throw up a few more times that morning as well. : ( We've just GOT to stop that thumb sucking!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What a lot of work. You go Leia!