Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our New Family Doctor: Dr. Betsy Merrell

The girls both had their checkups today with our brand new family doctor: Dr. Betsy Merrell. Both girls did such a good job, and neither of them had to have any shots. Leia Rose was 37 pounds (5th percentile) and 45 inches tall (25th percentile). Annie was 29 pounds (60th percentile) and 36" tall (75th percentile). Annie happily used her kitty cat and her fishies as a conversation starter and both girls loved their stickers (Scooby Doo and Cinderella respectively). This was a wonderful experience, and I feel blessed to find a young doctor so close in personality to our dear Dr. Stephens. And, by the way, she wants the girls to call her "Dr. Betsy"! : )

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yeah, I am glad you found someone that you like. That is so important to have someone that you trust and the girls like!