Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"You're Being a Bad Mamma!"

Hmmmm, . . . I thought this would be a good way to introduce what has been happening the last few months. In dealing with my grief and anger in regards to our move and Karin's death, I have definitely lashed out at the kids a bit more and, admittedly, planned less activities for them (and blogged less). (Couldn't I have just started sucking my thumb and wetting the bed again, like Leia?) This has saddened me to no end (to the point where I even went to confession in regards to this)! Simply said, I have been having a really hard time with the tragedy in my life over the past half-year. This has led to a few times when I took Leia Rose aside and mentioned that Mammas make mistakes too, . . . but now Leia Rose says this whenever I get angry at all. For example, today, Annie took a lollipop, licked it, and then slimed it all over our comforter in an effort to get comfortable before her "Lamby show." I got mad. And immediately Leia Rose said, "Mamma! You're being a bad Mamma!" That got me madder. (Ha!) Trying to explain that saying this was a form of disrespect, I found myself at a loss for words. But all-in-all, I'm very happy that I am beginning to get back to my normal self in regards to absolutely everything. In regards to blogging, though, my plan is to record all memorable things, . . . instead of every single day. This simply seems more realistic.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I say "sorry" to Kevin a *LOT* - I always have, because I've always had a lot of reason to (loosing my temper, getting to rough). Thankfully he's never turned it around on me, perhaps because I've kept it simple just saying sorry, I shouldn't have done that, and didn't say much more.