Thursday, February 5, 2009

A "Magical" Day at Immaculata

Today Mrs. Quarles came to the car saying, "Leia Rose was even MORE animated than usual today!" Ha! Turns out the Kindergarten class had a special magician come to entertain them today named "The Great Jim-deeny." Ha! Leia was FULL of excitement about this. The highlights according to Leia Rose.

1. "Mamma! I got a magical ring! . . . Did you notice anything UNUSUAL on the way home today?!? Huh?!? Anything, UNUSUAL!?! If you did, it was my ring!!!" The magician supposedly had a little box appear. As it broke open, all of these rings for the class flew out. Leia was amazed!

2. "He had this board. Not like a chalk board, but like the one Mrs. Quarles uses. ["A dry-erase board?] Yes, a dry-erase board. The magician told us a story of how he knew a bully when he was a young boy. The bully was on the board and could talk to us, moving his mouth and body! And the funny thing was, at the end, the magician said, "Now, I'm going to erase you!" And the bully yelled, "NOooooooo!!!" Whish! He was erased! HaHaHaHa!!!!!"

3. "There was one part where the magician made all of this Play-Doh confetti fly out of his hat! I felt it, and it squished together just like Play-Doh!" Upon pressing Leia further, I found this to be "silly-string." I can guess a fun activity for us someday! Ha!

4. "And EVERYBODY got to participate in some way!!!"

1 comment:

MoWhiteandher7dwarfs said...

"The Great Jim-deeny" comes to Immaculata every year for the Kindergarten class around the 100 day celebration. It is so funny, last year my girls came home and were saying that the "Great Jim-deeny came to school, and he looks a lot like Dr. Horwitz, but he's not mom. He is a magician and you know Dr. Horwitz is well a doctor. They just look alike!" This year Alexis said the same thing! Jim-deeny IS our pediatrician Dr. Jim Horwitz, but outside of the office the girls don't realize this! He is so great with kids, I wish you could get into his office.