Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dinner at the Grove Park Inn

Believe it or not, right in the middle of our tanking economy, Brian's company was doing so very well that the bosses planned a surprise fancy dinner at the Grove Park Inn this Saturday!!! The Grove Park Inn: one of our favorite mountain spots, built in the 1920's and home to our second honeymoon. The girls and I truly felt like princesses as we were escorted through the rooms full of fancy food to our dining room. The prime rib and the wild mushroom cream soup were to DIE for. But the girls' favorite? The crab legs!!! And the sundae making (plus pastries) for dessert weren't too shabby either! Ha! : )
"From this hearth--it's warmth
From this room--it's charm
From this inn--it's amity
Return them not--but return"

And I have to say, I have never been more proud of our girls' behavior than on this very evening! They truly behaved like they were guests at a fancy restaurant, . . . and even when every other little kid was allowed to get down and run around, our girls stayed seated with good manners and without complaint. There was no one prouder than thier mamma!!! : )


April said...

I'm so glad Brian's new company is doing well.

Anonymous said...

So happy you all had such a nice, fun, and yummy evening out as a family! and Brian can breath a sigh of relief that his work is with an up and coming company! Love you all!

Steve said...

wow - Kevin used to have good maners - Karin did so well with that. I think they are all gone though. I've been so lax and he's been so acting out and we haven't been going out to eat except fast food.. God I miss her :,-(

Steve said...

Looks like an awesome place. So glad you got to go :-)

Nina said...

Looks like a princess fairyland to me! :) Glad you all had the experience!

Codruta said...

Your girls are always good, with good manners and polite. You are a great Mamma!