Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Day #2

The fact that there was only one inch of snow didn't seem to stop us!!! : )

And here is Leia Rose, who was planning ALL DAY to take her Star Wars Hoth set out in the snow to set up a scene! She was SO excited! Take a look at the result:


Nina said...

Oh, my... Greg would be sooo ecstatic! Hopefully, Kien will be a Star Wars fan as Jeremy is not really. Greg still has all his toys. I just read in an email that Karin's cousin Vanessa's 4 3/4 yr. old loves Star Wars too! Kevin doesn't even know what it is. He has been "sheltered." ha!

Codruta said...

I love Leia's snow suit! Even a little dusting brings joy to young and not that young! It was awesome staying home, too!