Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Very Fishy Valentine

It struck me again today what a different parenting style I sometimes have with Annie (compared with how I used to be with Leia). With Leia, I had everything planned beforehand and required everything to go in the way Mamma envisioned (or I would get frustrated). The result? LOTS of fabulous activities, more than we have now even, but some would vastly fail because Leia had other ideas and Mamma would get frustrated. Anyway, I learned from this. With Annie, most of the time I will simply suggest things that are within arms reach or in the same vein as what we have been playing, . . . allowing Annie to take the lead with what to ultimately choose. The result? Less activities as a whole (and perhaps less age-appropriate learning?), but no frustration. Both ways have their positive aspects.

Further, today we were playing with the Nemo Fishies (big surprise), and I asked if Annie would like to put together a "Fishy Valentine." Annie was beside herself with excitement about this! She would name each item along with its color before gluing it on, . . . and saying "EWWWW!" every time she got glue on her finger. Ha!

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