Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Seven Times Over the Rainbow

Today I was changing Annie's diaper in our downstairs spot (on the dryer) and Annie was fussing a bit (why the heck can't she understand that I wouldn't have to wipe her hardly at all if she'd just go potty in the potty chair *sigh*), so I just started singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Annie immediately stopped fussing, and when the song was done, she asked for it again, . . . SEVEN TIMES IN A ROW." She was so enthralled that I thought she'd like to see the real scene from The Wizard of Oz, so I showed it to her. Loved it! (This is my musical girl, of course.) Then I thought it would be fun to show Annie the "Lullaby League" song from, and she said, "Oh Mamma! Look at the mousies!" Ha!

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