Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Leia's School Box

Today, in the midst of hoping Leia Rose wouldn't notice that I threw away her millionth paper of handwriting practice (*sigh*), I decided upon a new school tradition: the school box. I took an old diaper box and told Leia Rose that she could paint the whole thing with acrilic paint, . . . we will put every single school paper in there until the end of the year when we will sort it and decide together which papers to save and which to toss. What a great way to include her! : ) And when Annie's old enough, . . . she'll have a box, too!!!
One side features Leia Rose (and hearts). : )

The othe side features "navy-blue-eyed" Annie (and hearts). : )

1 comment:

Codruta said...

What a great idea! Leia is a great artist! She takes so much pride in her work.