Monday, June 8, 2009

Adventureland & Liberty Square

Annie on the Magic Carpets of Aladdin.

The girls REALLY got into this ride. When the captain told them to duck, they DUCKED! Ha! : )

Really cool to see the Jack Sparrow addition to the ride!
Here is Leia's Pirates of the Carribean face. (Yeah, she only went on this one once.)

And Leia's "Haunted Mansion" face. But bless her heart, Leia Rose DID open her eyes for the dancing ghosts part (my favorite). And I was really interested to see the changes in the ride. In my opinion, they made it a lot scarier, especially with the freaky pictures around the doors at the beginning of the actual ride. (But I'll admit it took a couple of times of riding it for me to understand the full bride story. Really cool!)
Even walking OUT of the ride, she was still holding her ears! : )
No Hall of the Presidents because it was closed in order to open with Barack Obama on July 4. There was A LOT of facade work being done this time. There were times when it almost ruined the Disney magic.

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