Saturday, June 20, 2009

Spartanburg High School Class of 1999 10-Year Reunion

Thanks to my good friend, Brooke Bell, who sponsored me, I was blessed to attend the ten-year reunion of one of my very first graduating classes! : ) It was so special to give Brooke a hug and meet her wonderful boyfriend, David. I hadn't seen Brooke since my wedding and reception eleven years ago TODAY, . . . fitting as well that this was Brian and I's anniversary. (He was very understanding.) Such special times we had experiencing Literature together back in the day! : ) Another one of my most memorable students was Katie Roberts. I was SO glad she attended! It was really amazing to see some of the administration and teachers who were also sponsored to come. Ah, if the DJ just wasn't so loud, I would have been able to hear everyone talk a little bit better. ; ) One of the funniest moments of the night for me was when the two banes of my existence ten years ago (Cory Ezell and Mitchell Herbert) walked in together AGAIN. Ha! What a night! It's so nice for a teacher to feel loved! : )

1 comment:

Codruta said...

What a great Anniversary present!I truly see it this way!