Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chef Mickey's and Animal Kingdom

I just love this one of all the girls. : )

And here are our own hidden mickeys!

First thing in the morning on Kilamanjaro Safari.

It's Tough to be a Bug (especially when larger-than-life black widow spiders drop down from teh ceiling). Ha!

A bit afraid of the Yetti, Leia Rose approaching one of the tunnels of Everest. I previewed the ride online so that I could tell her every single time the Yetti appeared. It worked REALLY well! And as a result, Leia really enjoyed the rest of the ride. And I'll admit, at the end where the Yetti is reaching down trying to grab you, it was really creepy!
Thanks to Grandma, Brian and I actually got to ride it alone!

Another highlight was Finding Nemo, the Musical. We were all REALLY impressed with the puppets! And it was so amazing to see a jellyfish appear right beside us!

And the Festival of the Lion King is ALWAYS a hit!

Leia was REALLY ready for the Dinosaur ride, . . . but that was only because we didn't prepare her for the scaryness of it (on purpose). ; ) Poor Leia was scared out of her wits when that T-Rex chased us! And then her mantra after this ride as with all the others she didn't prefer: "That was HORRIBLE. I'm NEVER going on that ride AGAIN!" ; )

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