Friday, June 12, 2009

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Originally we were SO excited to be coming to Disney's Hollywood Studios on a Star Wars Weekend, . . . but it turned out to be a bit of a nightmare. You know it's going to be bad when someone at the gate says, "Did you actually CHOOSE to come here on this day?" Ha! What we didn't realize that everyone and their DOG from the area makes their way to the park for the various parades and autograph signings. Yes, it was cool to see Star Wars characters around the park. But it was WAY too crowded, and I just wanted to get out of there. Worse, the one really cool new ride we wanted to go on, Toy Story Mania, already had a 60 minute wait WHEN THE PARK OPENED! It really WAS a great ride, though, . . . like an advanced version of Space Ranger Spin. : )

And this is such a special sight: Brian standing under the symbol that was on his shirt when I first met him. We tried to get him a duplicate. No luck.

And two such cute pictures from the WORST dining experience at Disney EVER. All we wanted was a quiet meal, . . . and I honestly needed to wear earplugs at the Prime Time Cafe. At least the vanilla cokes were real, . . . and today Annie wanted "Sip Mamma!" Ha!
And here Leia Rose drew her own hidden mickeys!
Then it was time for The Great Movie Ride, . . . and the real horse that Mary Poppins rode in her movie!

Much to our surprise the girls LOVED Fantasmic! (I was really surprised that they loved the one show that featured the Disney Villains!) Leia Rose's favorite part was when the steamboat went by with all of the Disney characters, and I heard her shout, "Mulan? Mulan! MULAN! MULAN!" because it was the first time she got to see that character in all of the parks. (Leia Rose loves Mulan. Her second-favorite princess, maybe?)

And here is another siginficant picture, . . . because Leia Rose was always carrying Pocahontas. And when she lost it and cried for an hour *sigh* yes, we bought another one.
The Toy Story Mania area WAS really cool!

And I was SO proud of Leia for going on the Tower of Terror with me. This is her Tower of Terror/Haunted Mansion/Splash Mountain/Everest face. Ha!

And how could we attend a Star Wars weekend and NOT go to Jedi Training? ; )

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