Monday, June 8, 2009

Making Good out of the Princess Breakfast Fiasco

Oh we had GRAND plans for this morning, let me tell ya': a leisurely monorail ride to the Magic Kingdom, entering the park before anyone else a whole hour before the park opened, a slow stroll down Main Street taking in the very rare sight of it being unpopulated, lots of pictures in front of the castle of our smiling family, and then an early breakfast with the princesses.

Well, that wasn't in the cards.

All of this happened because we listened to another Disney castmember and gave ourselves only 20 minutes to get to the park for our reservation. Well, it would have been fine if there hadn't been a huge wait for the monorail causing us to be FORTY minutes late for our reservation! Panicking, I even tried to call the desk at Cinderella's Royal Table only to get the machine. When we finally got onto Main Street we RAN to the castle. I took the above picture while we were running. Luckily, (and I must say, Disney hosts & hostesses are SO accommodating about things like this), the host had already given away our reservation to a family who was early and we got theirs! It took us a while to cool down from that horrible experience. But eventually, as we waited for our new reservation time, we took some pictures by the castle. Relaxing? No. But we got it done. ; )

And it's always magical to find Gus and Jaq looking down on us in the royal ballroom! : )

The girls received wishing stars that they loved.

What was really wonderful was that while we were eating, suddenly we'd hear a story being announced. We would listen to the story, and then the heroine would appear. (This happened for each of the Disney princesses.) What a magical way to do it!
And first, Annie got to meet her very favorite princess: Snow White!!!! Which means . . .
Here comes Annie's "princess face"!!!

And then it was time for Leia Rose's favorite princess: Princess Jasmine! Leia Rose told Jasmine that she was waiting to wear her Jasmine costume for her special "princess makeover" at the Bibbidy Boppity Boutique, and Jasmine replied, "That's where I get MY hair done, too!!!" Leia was impressed!

And here is Leia Rose making a wish with the other gift: a wishing wand. This wand very quickly became the bane of my existence, as Annie's mantra became, "I want my wand! I WANT MY WAND!" for the next few days (not to mention the potential for wacking with the wand). : ) Still, it was incredibly magical to see my little girls wave their wands and then see their wishes come true as the inside of the castle sparkled with life! : )

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