Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Leia's Transformation via Princess Makeover

If you had asked Leia Rose what she was looking forward to the most about our Disney trip, it was her Princess Makeover at the Bibbidy Boppity Boutique in Downtown Disney. Scheduled for Wednesday (the day of Grandma's arrival), we first went to T-Rex and then right to her appointment where for $50 (thanks to Mamma's ingenuity for buying an inexpensive costume before hand) Leia Rose was pampered for a whole hour with makeup, nails, and hair done just like Princess Jasmine! And so there are many pictures peppered throughout these posts of Leia Rose in various stages of Jasmine-ness. : )

Then afterwards she was chosen to walk in the Princess Parade where everyone clapped and cheered! And where Leia Rose was finally treated to free ride on the Downtown Disney Carousel!

And I couldn't help thinking when we went back to the room, "Is this my child?!?" Ha!

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Where was Annie? It looks like Leia had a wonderful time! Did she get to keep the hair? I am seeing Leia giving Annie a Princess Makeover!