Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun with Oma, Papa, & Auntie April

And Annie, of course, was very interested in 1. Playing in Oma's blow-up pool as a nudie. (Ha!) 2. Getting some "Soft, soft, soft" from Papa and 3. Giving him special kisses. : )

After Auntie April showed Leia Rose a picture of "Kitty Cat World" that a little girl drew in her art class, Leia Rose decided to draw her own "Kitty Cat World"! : )
And Annie's favorite pastime at Oma and Papa's? Playing with the special Fisher Price Lego Farm! : ) But I'll tell you, . . . after being away from home for two weeks, Annie's behavioral changes were really starting to show. Annie becomes more of a handful after being away this long. (Note to self.)

And on one fateful evening around the dinner table, Papa asked the girls to give Auntie April some advice on how to be happy in her upcoming marriage. Leia was so wise in her response which was, "Make sure you have fun together." And Annie piped up with, "Buy CHOCOLATE!" Ha!
During this trip, Leia Rose fell in love with the original Holly Hobby dolls that I played with as a child (note the little parasol Leia made for Amy).

And for Father's Day, the girls and I took everyone out to Houstons to celebrate our special Papa! : ) It's Papa's favorite restaurant and the food was OH SO GOOD!

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Chocolate is always a good thing, and good eats!