Sunday, March 28, 2010

Making Easter Bonnets 2010

Ah, the chaos that is our floor when the girls and I make our Easter bonnets! : ) This year I had the girls make a "plan" before we started (see the final picture). A few things of note: because of Annie's love of her bunny ears this year, we included a pair ON her Easter bonnet for that reason, . . . and the pattern, number, and colors of the eggs on the front of her hat were VERY specific: "pink, yellow, blue." In regards to Leia Rose, she wanted a "nest" of eggs on the top of her hat, with green Easter grass in the middle as well as VERY specific straight lines on the side of her hat made of shells. : ) Leia's had to have ribbons hanging down the back and her name on the front. It was really neat to see her imagination run wild as she took charge of the planning this year! And, of course, after the festivities they will join the ranks as our Easter decorations for years to come. : )


Nina said...

Very, very cute! Did you have an Easter parade too?

Nina said...

Do they know the Irving Berling Easter bonnet song -- "The Easter Parade"? Karin bought a darling picture book of it for Kevin, but I cannot find it on amazon.