Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Hawaii 2021 : Exploring the Grounds of Hilton Waikoloa Village (North Side)

 After breakfast we decided to explore this amazing resort. There is a walkway going around the entire thing and we started by going right and exploring the North side. One of the most striking things about all of the resorts on the side of the island is that they are surrounded by black volcanic lava that the native hawaiians consider trash, but I consider completely gorgeous!
 At the northernmost point is my very favorite part of the resort called Buddha point which has a huge marble statue of the Buddha in meditation. The feeling of peace and Serenity here was palpable!
 Also of note were a lot of these larger than life statues which represented the Japanese signs of the zodiac which corresponded to the year, we took a picture of this one especially because it was a Bunny and that happened to be Annie's favorite animal for so many years.
 There was a small place on the northern side where you could exit the resort and go into the inlet on your own if you wished.  It was the most beautiful place to watch the sunset and became our very favorite swimming spot! But as you can see, you had to swim at your own risk.

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