Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Hawaii 2021 : Our Ride

First night in the middle back of our silver Mustang Convertible! We do Hawaii RIGHT!
Sitting up high, I HAD to have my hair covered so it wouldn't blow around and sting my face. Unfortunately, that also means I looked likena cancer patient with one of my shirts always tied around my head.
Everywhere there were indicators that Covid was just endng & tourists were welcome again. It was BIG deal. Teens were only just allowed to have the shot and we ALL had to prove we were vaccinated. Masks were required everywhere. If you didn't follow the rules, you were quarantined to your hotel room. This was gold ... the bracelet in the next picture. And it was confiscated when you left so people couldn't steal it. 
Even the sunset at the car rental place was beautiful! It is one thing I remembered about Hawaii: a spectacular sunset every single night. 

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