Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Hawaii 2021 : Traversing the Island of Real Hawaii

 Now this is what I would call real Hawaii.  Modest and fairly lower class homes Set amid the volcanoes and the open range. 
I wanted to make sure to take some pictures of reality, even the reality of gas prices. The national average was 3.15 a gallon. 
While driving to the "wet," Hilo side of the Island, there were times when it looked a lot like home.  You see come most of the resorts around the dry side of the island where they have to pump in water and most of the resorts are built on black Lava rock.  That side of the island is really only good for resorts because there's very little rain and nothing really will grow or live there without help from man.
 We also saw some trees I had never seen before like this one with red peeling Bark called Rainbow Eucalyptus trees.
And it was interesting to see the difference of how it looked cutting a road into Lava!
 But ironically, much of the island looked just like this with huge amounts of ranch and open range.
 And I suddenly remembered part of the Dolly show in the 80s when she went to Hawaii she sang "Paniolo Country" in Hawaii with the one Hawaiian country music singer.  I hadn't seen that episode since I was about 15! So I put the song on my Hawaii soundtrack and begin enjoying it again.

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