Thursday, July 22, 2021

Hawaii 2021 : Swimming with Turtles at ʻAnaehoʻomalu Beach

 Also within walking distance of the resort was the beautiful ʻAnaehoʻomalu Beach.  I was smart and purchased 3 sets a snorkel gear so he didn't have to rent any and took them to this beach where the call was not to sit on the sand with the rest of the people, the call was to swim along the coral reef right off the shore with the turn turtles! i did this for hours with Annie and Brian! It was so calm and peaceful I didn't want to leave!i will admit though that I did not bring my camera so these are all stock photos.
 I should also say that we really enjoyed snorkeling in the inlet near the resort as well that was connected to the lagoon. There we would see many of the whole Hawaiian state fish the humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa, or "humu" for short.
 I should also talk about one of the big ironies of the resort where the lagoon was originally a big draw for me, but once I got there I realized that people were sitting around looking at each other or man-made Creations and not out at the beautiful Pacific Ocean which seemed silly! Further, the lagoon was murky due to all the pollution inside of it from the people! You could hardly see the turtles that were in there! As soon as you left under the bridge out of the lagoon into the inlet, the water was clear and beautiful and a much better situation for snorkeling!

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