Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Hawaii 2021 : My Nightly Walk of the Resort Grounds

 I saw a review of the resort online which talked about how important it was to experience the resort outside at night. I came determined to walk the grounds from our room to Buddha point every single night, no matter how tired I was. This was one of the best decisions on a vacation that I ever made! This became single-handedly my favorite part of the trip! And the reason why is because it is the first time in my life that I was actually happy and alone. I used this time to feel the empathic feeling of peace and oneness accompanied with the surprise that no one else seemed to want to do this but me! Not even the family joined me, not even once. It is a singular feeling to feel the vastness of the night sky and the Pacific Ocean. It is not something I could adequately put into words. But I will say that more than anything else, it is this place (Buddha Point) that draws me here and makes me desire to see it again. The front desk had a printed booklet of all of the art I could see on my walks. I took the time to walk around and see every single piece!  Most prominently around the grounds were these larger than life statues that if I am remembering right represented the signs of the Japanese zodiac. I included 1 photo of the year of the Ram.  There were many others as well as metal statues of animals around the world and many marble statues of gods and goddesses. It was truly a beautiful combination of cultures!There was also a massage tent for beachside massages that was closed up but you could enter through A slit in the fabric. I spent many hours marveling at what a beautiful and secluded spot it was.  I also spent many hours in the hammocks scattered around the grounds and took a picture of the halo'd moon the first night and the view from the hammock looking up I had never seen a Halo like this a small one near the moon and a huge 1 around it. I will never forget this magical place.
And back at the room, I was greeted by this smiling face:

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