Friday, October 10, 2008

After First Moving In . . .

Here is something that was definitely an improvement from our other home: the incredible quality (and space) in our master bathroom!!! This includes a jet tub!!! We all LOVE this tub!!! (And I have heard that people use it ALL the time after they first move in, and then only once in a while. Ha! Perhaps it'll be that way for us? But for now we're going to enjoy it!!!) About once a week, we let Leia Rose and Annie have a fun bath in the tub, and once Leia's "crotchie" situation improved a bit, we used a tiny bit of bubbles as well. (Jet tubs are WONDERFUL for making lots of bubbles with only a drop or two of soap.) : )
And, even though I wish I had a better picture of this, here is a common occurrence every Wednesday: the Immaculata School Assembly. The parents are encouraged to attend in order to hear all of the goings-on of the school, and it's always the highlight of Annie's week. This is mostly because they sing Happy Birthday to the children celebrating that week. : ) And the first assembly we attended, the entire place laughed because, after the Happy Birthday song, Annie screamed out, "CAKE!!!" Ha! ; ) Anyway, this is Leia's Kindergarten class, and some parents (like the one in the picture) actually sit by their child sometimes. Hmmm, I'm just not going to do that because I'm sure Annie would be too distracting. ; ) It's a fun experience. And you should have seen how proud Leia Rose was when she got to go up on stage on her birthday, sporting her coveted "birthday pencil" while everyone sang to her! : ) Her only beef? The principal pronounced her name "Lea" instead of "Leia" . . . well, when we finally got to actually introduce ourselves to the principal, . . . guess what was the first thing Leia Rose said. . . . Yep. ; ) And when I told her teacher about it, remarking that, "Leia Rose is pretty independent." She said, "Just a little." ; ) Ha! As for time-outs, Leia Rose had one only because she "kicked her feet up in her chair, which was against the rules." Hmmmm, I almost called about that one. ; ) Then there was the moment that I had been waiting for, . . . to reveal one of my secrets of life. One day Leia came home saying she felt embarrassed about two things: 1. Kennedy made fun of Leia's Doodle Bear named "Purplea" and 2. Mrs. Quirrels kept calling her "flippy" because by the end of the day, Leia's huge Halloween barrette (that she insisted on wearing) kept flipping all over the place. So I made a HUGE point to reiterate the following: "Whenever you are embarrassed, no matter what it's about, . . . LAUGH. Then everyone will feel safe enough to laugh with you, and it will become a FUN memory instead of a tragic one." She tried it the next time and said, "You know, Mom, it WORKS!!!" ; )
Annie has been such a sweetheart when she refers to this moving process! When you ask her where we are moving, she replies, "New house!!!! . . . Kitty-Cat House!!!!!" ; ) Then there was this moment in time when Annie was up past her bedtime and dancing every so joyfully, only to have tiredness catch up with her and get clumsy (as she always does in a tired situation and) . . .
. . . busted her lip open on our hardwood floor. : ( Poor little baby. : ( And even though it was really hard for me to take this picture, I'm REALLY glad I did just because we all love our children even in their brief moments of tragedy, . . . and it does me good to remember that.
This picture is pretty telling, too. : ) Leia Rose is wearing her firefighter shirt very proudly as she holds up her very favorite birthday card from Oma and Papa bearing the likeness of Yoda and playing none other than the Star Wars Theme!!! : ) The irony here is that one year ago Leia would have fled from this card like a bat-out-of-hell! ; )
And here are both my girls with their favorite cards (yes, both from Oma & Papa). ; ) Annie's plays "Happy Birthday" in kitty "meows." : )
Ah, and our Halloween preview!!! : ) Just look at the father adoring his little girl, wanting to be Darth Vader for Halloween! : )
Who would have known that you could tell Darth Vader was smiling! (Is this not the cutest, and meekest, Darth Vader you've ever seen or WHAT?!?) ; )

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