Sunday, October 26, 2008

The State Fair 2008

As an extra birthday celebration, all of us visited the State Fair this Sunday, after church! : ) The girls and I had lots of fun on the ferris wheel!
And so did Laurie & the boys!
Leia's first request? The Caterpillar Roller Coaster!!!

And Annie was the one most thrilled about riding the "Wiggle Worm" ride.

Godmommy Laurie just loves it when Annie gives her some snuggle time. : ) There was lots of snuggles at the fair this year, . . . Annie was VERY tired by midday.

Daddy and Annie shared some special snuggle moments too. Here they are observing the pretty horsies on the merry-go-round.

While Leia, Trevor, & Logan explored "Rainbow Rock," Annie and I just snuggled in the shade.
We always adore our time with the chicks and ducks. These are always such special moments for me as a Mamma . . .
. . . mixed with a tiny bit of horror at having a thumb-sucker around farm animals. Ugh! Sanitation Station, PLEASE!!!

Goats always love Annie. I'm not sure why. ; ) But they always end up "regarding" her. Ha!

This year it wasn't only Leia Rose playing the fishy game!!!
See?!? : )
Annie chose a panda bear . . .

. . . and Leia chose a monkey that she named "Moko." : )
And this is what happens when you have a rare day when Annie doesn't take a nap. (She's SO adaptable with napping!)

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