Sunday, October 26, 2008

Annie's Treasured Toothbrushes

Ha! I just love this picture, with Annie rejoicing over one of her many toothbrushes (and even the fitting word "cure" written above her by coincidence!)! : ) Mamma discovered a short time ago that Annie loves toothbrushes, especially ones that have a really cool handle. GREAT! They keep her quiet, and they amuse her for a LONG time!!! Now we bring them to church (which is sometimes a nightmare otherwise) and everywhere else. We have an assortment of at least 15 toothbrushes, all with bright colors and some with cool handles featuring princesses, caterpillars, donkeys, disney characters, even CARS. It's a real struggle to find quiet toys that interest Annie these days. Some others are chinese fans (those fans you can open & close) and any kind of snap buckle (which Annie will always say, "Buckle self?!?" when she sees one). My last resort is always my keys. Which brings me to yet another topic: sanitizing. There is never a moment when I don't have plenty of antibacterial wipes in my bag, BUT there is something about having my second child that has caused me not to worry as much about sanitization. (I have heard people say that by the third child, you're allowing them to eat dirt. Ha!) I thought of this multiple times today: First, as a last resort at Mass, I gave Annie my keys and put my hand over my mouth in both humor AND horror as she licked and sucked on each one in turn. I was laughing because I would NEVER have allowed Leia Rose to even TOUCH my keys, let alone SUCK on them!!! Ha! Second, Annie holding chicks and ducks at the fair, while sucking her other thumb. Thirdly, Karin, your look when I expressed my excitement over Annie's coveted toothbrushes. ; ) Ha! Yeah, I tend to just throw them back in the "suckables" pouch of my bag, um, whether they wind up on the floor or not. (Yuck!) The irony? Annie is as healthy as a horse. I guess Grandpa was right. ; )

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