Friday, October 31, 2008


I just LOVE this picture of Annie getting her lips colored to complete her Snow White costume! : ) It shows just how serious she is about being a princess! (And as you can see, we also colored her hair black!)

And Leia Rose is just as serious about being Darth Vader!

These were a couple of important photos to take as well. While we were trick-or-treating, Annie would always go up to the door (whether it had a doorbell or not) and say "Knock KNOCK!!!" really loud. : )

And, yes, even though we went to a wonderful little neighborhood called "The Meadows of Etowah" where the homes were really close together, Annie still ended up in the stroller. ; ) But that's okay, it allowed Annie to sample the wares (paper and all)! : )

And THEN it was time to wash the black out of Annie's hair. Oh my!

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