Saturday, October 25, 2008

Walking With Dinosaurs!

Today we left ungodly early from Horse Shoe to get back to Raleigh in order to go to a spectacular show that we had planned for months! And because Leia Rose isn't going to have a birthday party with her school friends this year, we had mentioned possibly going with Leia's two best boy-friends: Colin & Kevin. Well, Kevin is 1 1/2 years younger than Leia and, yes, that's too young for this intense show. So we decided to see Kevin the next day instead, and experience some real dinos with Colin. : )
I love how the teeth (that were the stage, actually) kind of look like they are chomping down on your head, Laurie. Ha! ; ) And as a "party" favor, we bought these fiber optic dinosaur lights. I had a similar toy when I was a child and I LOVED it! I was SO happy to find these there as souvenirs! I went ahead and bought one for Annie, too. These suckers are going to go to every July 4 celebration and night gathering until my kids grow up! : )

This show was absolutely amazing. The dinosaurs were life size, with skin that looked so incredibly real that I couldn't tell what it was made of. I'm not sure how to describe this show better than to say that it left me totally speechless. It was like being in the scene from Jurassic Park where the paleontologists see the brontosaurus for the very first time. Phenomenal!

And there were these cool plants that "grew" out of the side of the stage. I'm guessing they were made of parachute material and they "grew" by compressed air. Really neat!

For Leia Rose, the highlight of the show was DEFINITELY the T-Rex!!! And just look at how small the man looks on the stage! These guys are LIFE SIZE!!! BUT the highlight for ME was when Leia Rose said, "Mamma, this is the best birthday celebration EVER!!!" : )

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