Sunday, October 26, 2008

Leia's Birthday with the Faulkners (Birthday # 3)

After the fair, we payed a quick birthday visit to the Faulkners, and Kevin gave Leia Rose a SPECTACULAR gift of a 25th anniversary preemie that Leia Rose would name Laura. (Now she has a Laura & an Armelle doll, . . . wish she name another Shenan and another Steve? We shall see! Another irony is that she also has three different doll names that rhyme: Flora, Nora, and now Laura. Ha!) Anyway, Laura has become Leia's most coveted doll. Leia sleeps with her every night and dresses her every day. So sweet!

And it wasn't long before Annie spied a new Snow White book at Kien's & Kevin's house! Soon Daddy was reading to all of us! And when we all went to On the Border, I grabbed our server right after we sat down and told her that it was Leia's sixth birthday. Sure enough, the entire group of servers came over at the end of our meal with something special prepared. They had Leia Rose stand on her chair, wave to the crowd, twirl a pink cloth for recognition as the entire restaurant clapped and sang for her! She looked like a natural in the spotlight!
And this is what happens when you have a four hour drive back home . . . .

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