Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Second Birthday Annie! (# 2)

In reality, this party was originally planned for Annie's actual birthday, . . . but all of us were busy getting over a debilitating stomach virus that day, so we had to put it on hold. Poor Annie (who didn't really know the difference anyway, though). When you're in the middle of both moving and throwing up, I suppose birthdays tend to be scaled down. : )

One significant thing about the present opening is that after each present was unwrapped, she would immediately look for another and exclaim, "Look! Look!!! A new one!!!!" ; ) And the other cute thing about it was the way Annie described the special gift bags shaped like cupcakes, exclaiming, "Pupcake! Pupcake!!!" ; )
One of the present highlights was a box of the collection of "Touch and Feel" books. Annie just LOVES these, and could read them again and again.

Especially the Halloween based one, . . . because of this page. Look what she does every time we get to it . . .
. . . snuggling the kitty cat! So sweet!

And then there was the success and failure of the Hallmark music cards. ; ) Oma and Papa sent a really awesome card that sang "Happy Birthday" in "meows"!!! Annie adored it!!! BUT Auntie April sent a card, granted it had a big smiley face, but it played "Don't Worry Be Happy" and began with the guys saying a really low, "Be Happy Now" . . . and it scared Annie to DEATH. This was her face every single time I tried to get her to listen to it. Can't win 'em all, I guess. (At least she liked the little attached frog, April.) ; )

Here is another one that I had planned for a while. I bought a really nice (pre-owned, of course) Up And Down Roller Coaster for Annie's birthday (and for her to share with Leia Rose). The girls have had a BLAST on this, . . . and we have a PERFECT area on our porch to put all of these toys like this!

And now, Annie's favorite way to ride it? Backwards! : ) Happy Birthday Annie!

1 comment:

April said...

Oh, I'm so sorry that my card made Annie cry. And to think, I had at least 4 other cards in my hands at the store that I was trying to decide between; And I ended up picking that one. Oh well.

I love you Annie