Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Leia's First (Real) Field Trip

Here is Leia Rose dressed for her first real field trip from Immaculata! She was going to the Educational Forest (which I found out later was only five minutes from our house) on the very first cold day of the year. She was so excited! She was going to get to ride with her classmates, . . . and for the first time I didn't have to drag poor Annie along! It makes me so sad to think that I often dreaded the Artgarden field trips, . . . only because Annie is too young to just stand still and listen. I usually stood in fear of Annie distracting the class. Now I can simply look forward to the years of field trips when both of the children are in school and I can focus on one at a time! : )
SO, while Leia Rose was on the field trip, Annie and I tried out a new playground at Jackson Park.
And later, all three of us used both the leaves Leia Rose collected from her trip as well as a lot from our yard and made a really neat and simple fall garland.
That now decorates our dining room doors. : )

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