Saturday, October 11, 2008

First Time Apple-Picking!

After all of the turmoil surrounding moving, Leia Rose asked ever so nicely for, when all of the chaos was done, "Could we please have a special 'family day'?" So we DID! ; ) We decided to all go apple-picking for the very first time at Sky Top Orchard in Flat Rock. And, oh, was it beautiful!!! : ) You'll certainly see in the pictures exactly WHY it's called "Sky Top." It was such a beautiful escape to be up on top of a mountain, with no one around but our own family, picking apples and just enjoying the beautiful weather. : )
And as you can see from our baskets, there were so many different kids of apples that we had never heard of! Of course there were McIntosh & Gala & Granny Smith & Red Delicious, . . . but there was also Honey Crisp & Mitsu & Arkansas Black. So cool!

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