Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Contest

Leia Rose and I donated the pumpkin for this year's Immaculata Pumpkin Carving Contest, so I received this awesome picture as a "thank you." You can see the cool pirate carved pumpkin in the background. (Laura, I bet Shenandoah might wish this was HER class' entry! But I would have voted for your sheep any day!) ; ) But what I find funny . . .
Is Leia's expression, . . . that seems right out of The Omen. Ha! I asked her about it, and she said quite apologetically, "Well, Mamma, they told us to make a pirate face and say "AARRRGGGHH," and so I did. Ha!

1 comment:

April said...

that's so funny! It doesn't even look like Leia. She's quite an actress.

Happy Halloween.
