Monday, May 25, 2009

Boating on Memorial Day

We spent a lot of actual Memorial Day proper, boating on Lake Murray with Grandma & Grandpa and friends. Leia Rose looked out from the front of the boat with her doll Abby (who went everywhere this weekend), and sang her special song that she made up for the boat rides this time. (She makes a new one up each time.) This time, again very original even with an original tune, it was: "Swim, Nemo! Swim, Nemo! Swim! . . . Swim, Nemo! Swim, Nemo! Swim! . . . Swim, Nemo! Swim, Nemo! Swim! . . . Swiiiiiim, Marlin! . . . Swim, Marlin! Swim, Marlin! Swim! . . ." etc. with all of the Finding Nemo characters. : ) Funny story, Annie was having such a great time on the boat today. She insisted on holding this old Nerf ball, . . . not sure why, . . . and just sat there relaxing. We also boated on the McCartha's pontoon for a while, . . . and then went to see the horses! Look how close we were able to get today! And I had to include this one picture of Annie's curly hair blowing in the wind that (just like the one of Leia on the slide when she was two), gives me an inkling of what Annie will look like when she gets older.

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