Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dentist Preparation

You can always tell when a little person has a dentist appointment at our house because the week before is full of "playing dentist"! Gosh, the girls have SUCH fun with this! And this time, Annie was loving giving her bear a dentist appointment too (thanks to a new love affair with the build-a-bear that Annie named "Teddy" that Alan and Cassie gave her when she was born). This kid was PREPARED! What was really interesting was how Annie acted at the dentist office itself. She was an angel! . . . but she was so very mellow that it was almost like she was drugged. Ha! At the beginning, Annie asked me to hold her hand and was really interested in pointing out the animals on the wall mural. When the actual cleaning began, my theory is that Annie was enthralled by the sensory enjoyment of it all. Annie's always been very "tactile," you know, . . . and this was like a tactile kid's heaven! They let her feel the spin brush with her finger and taste the strawberry paste with her lips, . . . and lick off the rest of the watermelon fluoride! Annie LOVED it! I SO regret not taking my camera and taking a picture of Annie's mellow bliss! : ) (Similar, I guess, to this last picture, . . . except you have to imagine her wearing the special Dora sunglasses in the chair to "protect her eyes," so they said.)

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