Sunday, May 24, 2009

Spinners on Memorial Day Weekend

Today we all made it to Spinners, the awesome restaurant and club on Lake Murray that really felt a LOT like Shirttail Charlie's back home! : ) It really was a miracle we made it, too, . . . because the sky was really ominous as we boated over there. Leia was excited to point the obvious storm out to us. After our food (which was WONDERFUL by the way, . . . VERY fresh shrimp, yum!), there was live entertainment so the girls had a blast dancing. As we waited for the storm to pass, we sat down yet again for more drinks and got Annie a "Shirley Temple." Annie, our little soda-lover, LOVED it. And doesn't she even LOOK like Shirley Temple in the second "sipping" picture?!?


Mom said...

What a fun weekend at the lake! What wonderful memories you are all making! The girls together on the boat remind me of you and April, Noelle, when we use to go out on our boat. There seemed to be a new adventure every time we went out.

Nina said...

What an adorable picture of Annie sucking on a straw!!!