Saturday, May 2, 2009

"Can Have it After Easter!"

There is something really cute that Annie has been doing these days, and I just needed to record it here. Whenever I say "no" to anything (usually about food, but it doesn't have to be), Annie's reply is something like, "It's okay. We can have more after Easter, okay? Easter Bunny bring more after Easter, okay?" In the video here, it's because I told her that we would have to wait until later to have more chips. Her response is a carry-over from Lent when we didn't have any sweet things in the house in preparation for Easter; therefore, I kept saying, "But the Easter Bunny will bring lots of chocolate on Easter!" And he did! : )

The other cute thing going on is that Annie speaks so well for her age, . . . but Leia Rose speaks faster, so Annie finds herself, . . . not getting frustrated per se, but saying "ah, uh, ah, eh" before each sentence as she thinks it out. Again, so sweet! : ) Really hard to get a video of that one, though. : )

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