Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Leia Wins at Wacky Day!

This week was "Spirit Week" at Immaculata, . . . and in addition to a really fun field day that featured water slides (that I was REALLY proud of a scared Leia for trying) and bounce-houses, Wednesday was "Wacky Day" where the kids were encouraged to dress as wacky as they could. Leia Rose wanted to be a "Dinosaur Fairy Princess." SO Leia!!! And, you know what?!? SHE WON for her class!!! Even Annie and Leia's two teachers (Mrs. Drajan and Mrs. Quarles) got involved! And the two winners for the Kindergarten were Kael (which Leia thought was HILARIOUS with pigtails) and Leia! : ) She won a button-pin and a beany baby bear. : )


LauraW said...

Congrats, Leia! Cool Wacky Outfit! Love Annie's curly hair:)

April said...

That looks like it was a really fun day. Is that the hat Leia got at the T-Rex cafe? I loved how the teachers were wearing the kid's uniforms :-)


Nina said...

A dinosaur fairy princess??? THAT is hysterical!!!