Saturday, May 16, 2009

Visiting Kyle

Today we visited our good friend Kyle who Brian has known since childhood and who I have known since Furman! Kyle was a real blessing to us this past year when he allowed Brian to live with him while he worked as our house was being shown and sold. Our visit consisted of a wonderful visit to Furman, a very wet strawberry picking session, loving on Kyle's dog named "Heddy" (that Annie and Leia insisted on calling "Henny"), and most importantly Leia playing with "Kyle Sticks" which is how Leia Rose has always referred to beautifully stackable bits of kindling. : )

1 comment:

Nina said...

Is that Kyle as in Kyle Martin???
Looks like the girls had a very nice time. The cottage certainly has been updated! Maybe by the time they are ready to enter Furman, you will teach again and have enough money for college and weddings! ;-)