Monday, May 4, 2009

A Very Special Broom

Today Leia Rose created a VERY special paper project: a broom! It reminded me SO much of the working "umbrella" I made when I was about Leia Rose's age, . . . also out of paper. (So THAT'S where she gets her paper projects from!) I was proud of my umbrella, . . . and Leia was proud of her broom. Annie was proud of it, too! In fact, Leia Rose even made an extra one for her sister (a BIG testament to the special bond they have). Then they swept the porch for multiple days!

1 comment:

Nina said...

Neat!!! I have never known of anyone to make things out of paper like Karin did as a kid. She was always creating fascinating things just from paper. So you and Karin, and now your girls, have that in common! I'll bet you didn't know! ha!