Friday, May 22, 2009

Leia Reads at Mass

Today was a wonderful culmination of a year's worth of learning and practice: today was the Kindergarten at Immaculata was in charge of the school Mass (which involved the children reading many of the readings)! Leia Rose was one of the first to be a lector volunteer and was given the introduction. I was SO proud of her!

Here is what she read: Out of deep love for us, God tells us what to do to be happy. We who listen to God, and obey God's laws, find true peace and joy. At this Mass, God speaks to us. In the scripture readings we hear prayers, and especially after Communion, God speaks to our hearts. Let our ears be open today to hear God's message for us.

You can also see Kennedy, Kael, Nicholas, Alexis, and Quinten (at the lectern): a few of Leia's friends reading the Prayer of the Faithful. You can also see Sally Kate and Elizabeth bringing up the gifts. And, I must say, Annie behaved SO well with us sitting WAY up front! : ) And after Mass, there was a wonderful reception in Leia's classroom. : )


Oma said...

Leia, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! You did a GREAT JOB! with your reading! You read smoothly and loud enough and confidently and didn't make a single mistake! You also were very respectful AND VERY BEAUTIFUL! I love you bushels, Sweetie!

April said...

Wow, Leia did a great job! I was able to see the videos at home. I loved Annie's version in the previous post too!


Nina said...

WOW!!! By the time Leia grows up, the Pope is going to have to let her be the first female priest!!!!

Codruta said...

I was so proud of Leia, that day! I was proud of all of them. Leia was my Star student in religion!