Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lector Practice

Leia Rose practiced SO hard for her special reading at the Kindergarten Mass tomorrow! : ) At one point, she practiced SO much that she had memorized the whole thing, . . . and even though I had told her about "eye contact," she made eye contact the ENTIRE TIME. Ha! : ) The teachers (and I) reminded Leia Rose to truly "read" the paper, . . . because it's amazing how standing in front of hundreds of people can make you forget the words! : )

Here is what Leia will read: Out of deep love for us, God tells us what to do to be happy. We who listen to God, and obey God's laws, find true peace and joy. At this Mass, God speaks to us. In the scripture readings we hear prayers, and especially after Communion, God speaks to our hearts. Let our ears be open today to hear God's message for us.
And what was so sweet was that Annie was REALLY listening to all of this special preparation for Mass. Annie did her own version of the reading, too! : )
Here is Annie's version: At first Mass, God speaks to our hearts. The ears be open today a hear God's message for us.

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